Beautiful Steps to natural well being

About me

Amidst these common dictions, that I was going through

“ Medicines are not meant to live on” and “Diet cures more than a Doctor”, I was bound to think over that which medical equation can simplify individual health problems. Particularly when these health hazards are very common by one or the other reasons. So, before completing my schooling from one of the most renowned schools in India, I was very clear about my future plans. Therefore, I decided to enter in the field of Medicine. To achieve my required goals, I studied hard unceasingly and set new targets or posterity in my own medical fraternity. However, success did not come overnight.

Being healthy is a multidimensional aspect, I think…. In addition to my academic records, through interaction with eminent scholars in the field of Ayurveda and Vaidyas, I acquired skills in treating complicated ailments.

My motto is to serve patients and all individuals who approach me for consultation and treatment, with the ancient medical treatment therapies from Ayurveda and promote general wellbeing through Panchakarma.

Leading a fun-filled  life yet much disciplined, my true dedication and contribution as an Ayurveda Doctor is respected and recognised by the society at large.

I also provide Reflexology sessions and Aromatherapy treatments to promote relaxation and wellbeing. I have a passion for Ayurvedic Beauty Treatments.

I relish my tough and tedious medical assignments strongly believing in Edward Gibbon’s statement in “ Decline and fall of Roman Empire” that…….” The winds and waves are always on the sides of the ablest navigators”……

Vidhu Sharma

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
Trainer and Assessor
