Beautiful Steps to natural well being

Patra Potli

Herbs & Oils







The genealogy of Ayurveda traces back to about 5000 years ago in the Indus Valley. Ayurveda, means the science of life. It is widely regarded as the oldest form of healthcare in the world. It is an Indian Health Practice formulated by a number of disciplines including diet, aromatherapy, herbal medicine, yoga, massage techniques, meditation and balancing of energies. The central philosophy is that mind and body are one and the same, and that complete physical health cannot be achieved without restoration of emotional, mental and spiritual health.

Ayurveda, focusses on general well-being practices basically directing and guiding people how to live so they don’t get sick. Ayurveda is a truly holistic health system which supports us from the birth to the last breath of our lives. It lays geat emphasis on the prevention of the disease and on health promotion, as well as on a comprehensive approach of treatment.


Ayurveda, believes that the creation of the universe is enabled by the three states of energy. The three states of energy are known as “Gunas’, which literally means “ ropes that bind us to the physical world”.


  1. Satwa Guna: or Potential Energy is a state of equillibrium and balance. It gives rise to purity, truth, creativity, happiness and knowledge. Predominantly, Satwic people are calm, spiritual minded, quiet, intellectual and health conscious.
  2. Rajas Guna: or Kinetic Energy that results in activity. This has the qualities of restlessness, aggression and effort. Predominantly, Rajsic people are ambitious, driven, egoistical and perfectionists.
  3. Tamas Guna: pertains to Inertia to an extent. It is a state where nothing happens and rest ensures. It is a state of dullness, heaviness, materialism, self-interest and depression. Predominantly, Tamsic people tend to be lazy, and attached to things.



Ayurvedic healing is based on the principle of “Tridoshas” namely Vata( air), Pitta( fire ), Kapha(water). Ayurvedic treatment and therapy enables us to gain and restore energy in order to maintain health and increase longeivity.

Ayurveda science believes that the human body comprises of body, mind, spirit, and the entire world is based on a balanced combination of these three doshas, unique to each individual.

A human body is said to be diseased if there is an imbalance in the ratio of these doshas. This imbalance might be a result of toxic accumulation in the body, poor digestion and elimination of waste products from the body, decreased immunity, poor dietary and lifestyle choices, and excessive stress to name a few.

Ayurvedic philosophy believes in the management of deep-seated chronic ailments in particular keeping in consideration the underlying causes of pathology. Ayurveda has a subtle approach to treatment with minimal or no side-effects, and its intervention enables an individual to eliminate toxins from the body, thus, achieving the state of good health and well-being.

Ayurveda emphasizes on preventive and healing therapies along with various methods of purification and rejuvenation. It mainly focuses on medication, Panchakarma, dietary and lifestyle regulations.
